Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In the Newspaper

Call me old-fashioned, but I love to read the newspaper the classic way: by holding it in my hands. In the Los Angeles Times' Image section last Sunday, there was a terrific article titled "20 Ways to Upgrade Your Style."

Some highlights include a paragraph on the new book by Jesse Garza and Joe Lupo, "Life in Color." So many people would have a much firmer grasp on their wardrobe and a much easier time finding clothing they like if they learn what colors look best on them. Black is not everyone's friend!

Several pieces of advice have to do with common (or not common enough!) etiquette. This means reminders about being on time, behaving like a gentleman, lady, or well-mannered child, and the importance of a timely R.S.V.P.

I particularly like the tips regarding ways to update one's wardrobe and their use of the term "wardrobe wisdom." This entire article is well worth the read, even if you do it online.

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