Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Wig

I can very happily say that my efforts paid off yesterday: I found the perfect Mod Squad wig for my Santa Barbara wardrobe client. My search was not without its perils and frustrations however.

The search began at the smaller of the two Alpha Thrift Stores along Hollister Avenue. This one is close to Fairview. I dug through a large box and came up with a pretty blond ponytail that would fit nicely under a blond wig. Yes, I was making do, but I thought it would work as the shades were the same and were glossy and smooth which is what I sought. A lot of the wigs had seen much better days and were frizzy or simply thrashed. So I put the two blond wigs on hold (a lovely option) and headed for the other Alpha Thrift.

There was a huge box of wigs at this Alpha, and I sat down to hunt for my ideal one. I set a couple down next to me that were pretty close, and had to snatch one out of a very nice 8-year old girl's hand when she picked it up. This one was super--no making do. When I went to pay for it, the cashier tossed it behind him into a large bin, telling me there was no tag so he could not sell it to me "no exceptions." I wanted to cry or scream. Instead, I headed to the new temporary costume shop which is--conveniently enough--right across the street from the other Alpha.

After securing a parking spot which is an entire story in itself, I headed for the wig aisle. This place is not very big but it is extremely well stocked with commercial costumes of all kinds, for all ages. I quickly found a white-blond wig in a straight style for $19.99. Perfect!

My client is happy with the wig, a groovy skirt, boots, and a black turtleneck. Now she just needs a scarf to wear around the wig to finish off the outfit. I am heading back to Alpha and to Ross this week.

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