Monday, October 6, 2008

Be Kind to Your Fellow Women

A friend and I were sipping coffee one day in a little cafe when a woman walked by. She had on a simple white t-shirt, chic jeans, and a bright yellow scarf standing in for a belt. Unfortunately her fashionable look was marred by the fact that the scarf's ends had fallen between her legs, creating a canary tail. The right thing to do would have been to let this women know that her scarf had gone astray. Yet since my friend and I were engrossed in a conversation, we just looked at her, expressed compassion, and continued to chat.

Since that time I have vowed to not let such a thing happen again. Allowing women to walk around looking silly is no better than letting a friend talk to people at a dinner party with parsley in her teeth.

My friend, who is always running late, rushed out of an airport bathroom just in time to make her flight. Her path from the restroom to the check-in counter was a long, arduous one, involving many walks down long corridors. But did one person stop her, telling her quietly that her skirt's hem was tucked into the waistband of her tights? No, no one did the right thing. Of course she was mortified though she is able to laugh about this event now.

So I am imploring you to, in a friendly manner, let a woman know when one of her outfits has gone wrong. I know this is not always easy to ascertain, but you will be thanked in the end.

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