Monday, August 10, 2009

The White Top

I followed my own Wardrobe Wisdom advice yesterday and wore a white knit top that had been hanging, unworn, in my closet for over a year. Wearing it would tell me if I loved it and would wear it again, or if it did not feel right and needed to be given away.

Buying the top seemed like a no-brainer: I fall hard for spanking new white tops with their almost-blue color and their clean look. This one had a lovely v-neck and fell nicely over my bust and tummy. It was also a great deal--costing under $20. Why I had not worn it was made clear moments after putting it on yesterday. In short, it made me feel frumpy. When I arrived at my friend's house in the afternoon, I complained about my top, and she said, "Yeah, it doesn't really look like you."

So, once I wash this top, it will go straight into my donations bag or be given to a friend. Think of doing what I did whenever you look at but don't put on certain pieces in your closet. Wear them for a day, and you will either discover new things you love or insight into why those things don't work for you.

After writing this I offered the top to my sister-in-law. She put it on right away and looked darling. We were both happy!

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