Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Riding Knickers

Whenever my husband is walking out the door in a questionable outfit, I tell him, "Please don't identify your wife as the founder of Wardrobe Wisdom." This plea is met with a chuckle and I feel a bit uneasy for the rest of the day.

The week before his birthday, a package arrived. When I asked him what it contained, he said, "Oh, it's a gift from Maryellen that I picked out." Minutes later he emerged from our bedroom, modeling his knew biking pants. Now, I have never been a fan of spandex riding shorts. Still, they are fantastic-looking compared to what met my eyes: black knickers. My husband fancies himself a retro-bike rider, and says he and his friends will ride their vintage bikes together, sporting their knickers and pocket watches. What on earth? When will they do this? On Halloween? How many guys are in his wacky riding club? My mind was filled with many more questions.

Yet in the end, I just sighed heavily and said I was glad I had kept my name when we got married. HELP!


Don Lubach said...

Lori's husband here. If any of your readers check out the bicycle culture sites and search for the term, Gentlemen Cyclist, I think they will understand the context for the knickers.

I will wear them proudly and yet will try not to divulge my relationship to the wise wardrobe one.

Husband Don

Rich said...

There's a time and a place for everything. I have a hard time wearing anything BUT spandex when riding, but that's just because, as I've told Don, once my cleats 'click', I gotta get my lactic acid high.

But if you're comfortable in the knickers, what's the harm?