Monday, October 18, 2010

Women in Suits

I attended a panel discussion the other day and tried, as always, to gain at least 3 insights during the event. What struck me most was, unsurprisingly, how the panel members' clothing said a lot about them.

The two women on the panel were in suits, a style that is not my personal choice, but which can have a strong, positive impact. They were equally smart, articulate, displayed a good sense of humor, and thought quickly on their feet. Their sharp, well-tailored suits, simple yet attractive make-up and nice hair styles matched their confidence and mastery of their topic.

On the other hand, the male speaker, who started with a suit jacket but quickly discarded it, left a negative impression on me. In fact, I still have no idea what his job or area of expertise is. He spoke in technical terms without defining them, and did not always address the audience's questions in his responses. His jeans and untucked dress shirt told me he was just dialing it in--he was not serious about the panel. Now, had he been an incredibly good and engaging figure, I don't think his clothing would have mattered as much. But his loose manner mirrored his too-casual dress.

Clothing does make an impression. It is always better to be over than under dressed.

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