Sunday, October 24, 2010

"I don't care about clothes."

Some people seem to think that showing an interest in clothing marks them as superficial or somehow not too bright. They go so far as to insist that fashion and style are not their concerns. Mickey Drexler, C.E.O. of J. Crew recently stated, "A lot of people like to think they're not interested in clothes, and yet they are likely preoccupied or even vexed by their own."

I like his use of the word "vexed." By the time people call me, they are ready to acknowledge that they are vexed by their clothing. They usually have a lot of it, but do not know what suits them or their current lifestyle. These clients are not shallow or dim-witted. On the contrary, they are sharp for realizing they need help in this area of their life and are wise to ask for it.

Since it is not socially acceptable to run around naked, why not look our best? My mission in Wardrobe Wisdom is to help men and women dress well and feel good in their clothing. I do not, in the style of Clinton and Stacy, bring a huge trash can into the clients' closets and make disparaging remarks while chucking their beloved clothing into it.

Instead, once the clients and I have discussed a typical week in his or her life, established what their clothing budget is, and clarified what image they would like to project, I thoughtfully look through their wardrobe. Usually, they have some sense about what pieces work and which ones need to go.

By the time our sessions are over, the clients have a clear sense of what clothing does and does not flatter them, what pieces can round out their wardrobe, and how to dress for different parts of their lives. They feel more relaxed and happier about getting dressed.

So do not confuse superficiality with a desire to look great and feel confident. I have seen it time and time again: working from the outside in can have a huge, positive impact on our lives.

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