Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spring Cleaning

We often throw on clothing, not stopping to look closely at ourselves or to determine if we even like what we have on. This can lead to an okay wardrobe: clothing that covers or body but does not make us feel special or chic.

I suggest the following exercise which will help you learn what you really love in your closet and why, and what things you can do without. It may be more fun to do this with a friend, but make sure that friend has a good eye, can be trusted, and is not a hoarder!

1. Put a full-length mirror in a well-lit place.

2. Take an outfit out of the closet that you feel terrific in. Determine what you like about it: the fit, the color/s, the style, the way it flatters your figure? All other pieces should be compared to this one. In other words, you should feel terrific in all of your clothing!

3. Do a color analysis to determine if you are "warm" or "cool." Hold up different colored fabrics to your face and compare how they make you look. Do the "warm" tones, such as caramel, olive green, ivory, and sienna make your skin glow? Or do the "cool" tones of navy, lavender, cobalt blue, and white flatter you? This is a very simple way to figure out what tone works best for you. I can always refer you to someone in town who will do a much more complete, and instructive color analysis, but the above is a good start. You can also look at "Color Me Beautiful," a newly updated excellent resource for color analysis. Finally, once you've figured out what tones are best on you, get rid of clothing in tones that do not flatter you, at least the clothing that you would wear close to your face, such as tops, sweaters, and dresses.

4. Go through your closet piece by piece, asking yourself if you feel good in it, does it flatter you, and does it support an image you want to portray.

5. Make 3 piles:
Clothes that you like but need altering or cleaning
Clothes you can give to friends or donate
Clothing you can consign

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