Friday, March 19, 2010

Wise Julia

One of my good friends from college is an insightful, brilliant writer. She has 14-year old twins, a boy and a girl, who are smart, funny, and creative. Today my friend sent me an essay her daughter, Julia, wrote for school. I am impressed by Julia's skillful writing (is it partly genetic?), and her level of maturity. She has more confidence about clothing than most of the grown women I know!

Here is an excerpt from her essay:
Fashion is something that can make everyone feel good about him or herself. Choice of clothing allows one to express his or her personality. People should try to choose clothes and styles that reflect what they like and what kind of people they are. It is unfortunate when people are self-conscious about what they wear. The decision people make when they get up in the morning is what will represent them for the entire day. I believe everyone should be as confident and happy as possible in the clothing choices they make. Styles are individual. Fashion is universal.

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