Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Saying "No"

At least once during every Wardrobe Wisdom session, a client will bring out an item and say, "A friend gave me this" or "My mom gave me this." Most of the time this statement is followed by, "and I never liked it" or "and I've never worn it." So why do people keep accepting clothing from others, and, moreover, why do such things stay in their closets after they've determined they do not like the items?

Good old guilt accounts for some of this behavior. People don't want to hurt friends' or family members' feelings by saying "no" to something being offered. Once they've accepted an item, they admit that they would feel guilty getting rid of it.

Life is just too short to hold onto things that don't make us feel good or add beauty or joy to our lives. When someone asks if you would like, for example, her bright yellow and green vest, it is perfectly polite to say, "No, thank you." That's it! No long, complex explanations are required. If you simply cannot say "no" to someone but have no intention of wearing their "gift," leave it in your car and donate it to the first second-hand store you encounter. Ah, doesn't that feel better?

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