Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Your Personal Style

I used to love taking personality tests in Seventeen magazine when I was younger. My friends and I would laugh at what our answers revealed about us, but of course we took some of the magazine's advice quite seriously.

The last time I tried to take a test in a book (whose authors promised results which would change my entire outlook on life), it turned out to be a tedious experience. After spending nearly an hour answering a series of redundant questions, I gave up. I was hoping to gain some insight into how I could transfer the ease with which I can select a terrific cocktail dress, to home decorating which tends to paralyze me. Alas, this book was not helpful.

Instead, I took the advice of one of my favorite wise men, Clinton Kelly, and tried to think of 3 adjectives that describe my style. I came up with uncluttered, clear, and pretty. When I am shopping for clothing, accessories, or things for my home, I remember these 3 words. Will the item I am considering complement my style?

Thinking about my adjectives has saved me from making some unwise purchases. Coming up with your own adjectives may be a way for you to identify your style as well. And if you are not happy with the adjectives, think of ones you aspire to, and how you can achieve them. My next post will cover ways to identify your personal style.

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