Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Respect Yourself!

There are mothers who put so much energy into making sure their children are dressed well that they find no time to care about their own appearance. My concern is the message they are sending their children: I do not matter.

A recent article by Diana Pemberton-Sikes explains why mothers need to take care of themselves, inside and out: "we are our children’s role models. If we don’t show them how to work, dress, and function in polite society, who do you think is going to? You can’t just tell them; you have to show them by example. Otherwise they’ll turn to television, the Internet, and their friends — and you may not like the results."

My hope for all women is that we feel valued and good about ourselves. And part of self-respect is caring for the way we look. I have worked with dozens of mothers who tell me they feel so much better about themselves after we've worked together. They've seen that taking a little more time, and paying a bit more attention to how they dress each day is uplifting and motivating. An inspired and content mother is a terrific role model.

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