Saturday, January 9, 2010

Who Are You?

When I am preparing to work with Santa Barbara Wardrobe Wisdom clients, I ask them several questions. The one many have a hard time answering is "What is your personal style?" This leads to them exclaim, "I don't know! That's why I called you!"

The style quiz that I think is the most accurate and simple is from Jesse Garza and Joe Lupo's book, "Nothing to Wear?" Their questions are smart, leading to responses that make you think about your style and preferences, even if you believe you don't really have them. Their main objective, as is mine, is to learn what you feel good in, and to build your wardrobe around that kind of style.

When you are trying to identify your own style, here are 5 things to consider:

1. Whose style to you admire?
Try to narrow down what it is about that person or person's style that you like. Is it the colors they wear? How they put outfits together? How chic yet casual they look? The accessories they favor? You may want to look through magazines when considering this question. Certain catalogs may have styles that you like as well.
For example, I like the way Ashley Judd always seems to look feminine but not fussy. Hence, I tend to like feminine but not overly embellished pieces.

2. What clothing do you have now that you feel great in?
Again, try to identify what it is about those items that feel right on you. Then think about why they feel right. Is it because they suit your lifestyle? Because they fit beautifully? Do they downplay body parts you don't like while highlighting other parts? Is it the colors you like?

3. Do you prefer more tailored or more loose, flowy clothing? Or do you like something in between? Do you like sporty clothing?

4. Do you like to accessorize, choosing different pieces to build your outfits around? Do you tend to wear the same jewelry, scarves, or belts all the time?

5. Do you veer toward trends, or do you return to more classic styles, year after year?

When you think about these questions and your responses carefully, you will have a good idea about your style. The styles in the book are chic, classic, whimsical, bohemian, and avant-garde. Though the authors above describe 5 dominant styles, many women have a combination style. For example, I am classic-chic.

Once you've discovered your personal style, shopping, dressing, and packing for trips will become easier. While shopping, you will head straight to the pieces and stores that you know suit you, and your clothing pieces complement each other. The more you know about your style, the more enjoyable and effortless getting dressed is.

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