Monday, September 22, 2014

Ongoing List

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I'm a big believer in lists, whether they for tasks at home or at work, or for things that I need to pick up at Trader Joe's. I also have a list of voids in my closet that I would like to fill. These are not clothing, shoes or accessories which I need immediately; rather, they are a few timeless items I want to choose carefully with the intention of wearing them for many years. This list is not very short so most of it remains in my head. In this way, I can be on the lookout for the items any time I shop.

My list served me well when I was checking out a store I had not ventured into for many years. Remember my black blazer ordeal? Well, I had not really giving up on finding this particular garment, and was super happy to find a rather perfect one a couple of weeks ago. If I had not kept that item on my ongoing list, I would not have looked for it that day. Do you have such a list? If not, look in your closet, think of some basic items that would help you create complete outfits,  and write them down. Then have this list with you when you shop.

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