Monday, June 2, 2014

PhD in Dressing

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On May 30,  the public radio program, Here and Now, featured one of my all-time favorite stories, "A Look at the Dress Doctors." Go here to listen to the show or to read highlights and see photos. 

Here is a nice tidbit from the book discussed on Here and Now, called  The Lost Art of Dress: The Women Who Once Made America Stylishby Linda Przybyszewski:

"Dress Doctors—taught American women how to stretch each yard of fabric and dress well on a budget. Knowledge not money, they insisted, is the key to timeless fashion."

I cannot wait to read this book, in which Przybyszewski writes: "As a glance down any street in America quickly reveals, American women have forgotten how to dress. We chase fads, choose inappropriate materials and unattractive cuts, and waste energy tottering in heels when we could be moving gracefully. Quite simply, we lack the fashion know-how we need to dress professionally and flatteringly."

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