Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Making Room

'A well arranged cleaning closet.'' Photo taken by Troy around 1918- 20.

For many, this much space allocated for shoes is just crazy. But, as the blogger Arianna Belle states, it is important to think what kind of space you will need for your clothing and shoes when you are imagining your closet.

Years ago my very precise and handy dad redesigned my closet, a la California Closets, but for a fraction of the price. Before he installed one shelf, however, I took my time counting the number I had of each kind of garment and was very mindful of how I wanted to store my things. For example, I wanted a certain amount of space for my dresses and longer coats, a larger, double bar space for skirts, pants and tops, and a lot of shelves for folded T-shirts, sweaters, scarves, and purses. I get a little thrill of satisfaction when I look at my well-organized closet and find it helps me start my day on a positive note.

Wardrobe Wisdom has given me the opportunity to work in dozens of closets. Some are tiny and some are larger than my living room (really). Regardless of your closet's size, think of ways you can optimize it, putting items in places that make sense. Your wardrobe should be a happy place, not a den of despair!

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