Thursday, December 3, 2009

Men's Pants

I have had some male clients, and for the most part they have been quite set in their sartorial ways. When I work with women, they often tell me, "Oh, I wish I could get you in my husband's closet!" Of course I would be delighted to work with their husbands, but, the women tell me, "They don't see anything wrong with how they dress."

One chapter of Clinton Kelly's book that made me laugh the most was the three photos he has of a man and a woman, detailing why their look is not working. The male model struck me as the most amusing, because I can think of several men who could have been in those pictures! Kelly describes the importance of wearing clothes that are "just right," neither too big nor too small. When it comes to pants, men seem to err on the too big side.

Enter Bonobos, which the co-founder, Andy Dunn, is modeling above. Bonobos is an online only store which "is on a mission to give American men a complex about their backsides. The pants’ distinguishing feature is that they eliminate the sagging bottom of ill-fitting trousers." Now, I do not welcome men becoming fixated on their bottoms, but it would be okay if they learned to wear pants that fit them properly.

To learn more about Bonobos, read this article from The New York Times.

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