Friday, December 11, 2009

The Coveted Coat

For years I have been stalking chic wool coats. This practice begins every winter when I pull out my silly reversible down jacket (silly because its sleeves are short and the bottom half of my body remains cold), and my oversized, completely unflattering black trench coat.

Living in Santa Barbara is clearly not the same as living on the East Coast, and I have been unable to justify the purchase of something that will not get much wear. However, my job as a wardrobe consultant (and plain old vanity) means I want to look good, and my old standbys had overstayed their welcome. No matter what I had on, once I buttoned up one of my unattractive, ill-fitting outerwear options, I looked, at best, frumpy.

When the coats go on sale at J. Crew each year, I ogle, sigh, dream, and then decide I really don't need a coat. This year, though, I finally had had enough of my frumpy look, and I purchased a fabulous, classic, great-fitting, and WARM coat. I've worn it almost every day for a week and now wonder what took me so long. The fact that I got it for 60% off made the purchase that much sweeter.

Now is the time to buy that warm sweater, coat, or jacket you have been thinking about. Prices are remarkably low and store inventory is high.

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