Monday, April 27, 2009

Finally a Match!

Shopping immediately following an appointment at the eye doctor is not advisable. Nonetheless, I did this and spotted, with my dilated eyes, what seemed to be a beautiful embroidered jacket. I asked Sally, my favorite saleswoman at Renaissance in Santa Barbara, "Is this a Nanette Lepore?" She laughed and said that it was, suggesting that I return the next day when I could actually see.

I did return and ended up buying the special jacket: It is dark gray with bright pink, yellow, and green flowers embossed on the fabric. There are five small, purple velvet bows down the front and the velvet wraps around the back giving the bodice some shape. Until recently, the one thing this jacket lacked was a compatible partner in my closet. So I broke one of my first Wardrobe Wisdom shopping rules: Make sure the item in question will go with at least 3 things you already own.

This lovely jacket has languished in my closet for months. I would try it on, sigh at its beauty, and hang it back up.

On Saturday I was cruising La Cumbre Mall with my daughter. She rolled her eyes as I entered J. Crew, knowing my tendency to spend a long time in that tiny store. We were supposed to be looking for a gift for my friend, but in the meantime I found a very simple, gray, brushed cotton pencil skirt. It would go with at least 10 things in my closet and was on sale so I snatched it up.

When I was choosing what to wear to a function that night, I put the skirt with the jacket and it was magic! They looked like they were meant for each other. Finally, a happy ending.

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