Tuesday, September 3, 2013

View from the Rear

 Hall of Mirrors, Versailles

The following passage from Henry James' novel, The Europeans, struck a chord with me:

Charolotte's sister, Gertrude, had been fussing with Charlotte's scarf.

"Charlotte, by a movement of her elbows, corrected the laxity that had come from her companion's touch. 'Well, some day you must do it for me. It doesn't matter now. Indeed, I don't think it matters,' she added, 'how one looks behind.'

'I should say it mattered more,' said Gertrude, 'Then you don't know who may be observing you. You are not on your guard.'"

I always stress upon my Wardrobe Wisdom clients the importance of looking in a mirror, from every angle, before leaving the house. Think of all the people throughout the day who only see you from behind! If my friend Terri had heeded my advice, she would not have run throughout the airport with the hem of her skirt tucked into the waistband of her skirt in back. Worse, no one told her about her exposed backside until she had seated herself on the plane. Though this story never fails to make me laugh, she was mortified.

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