Monday, May 27, 2013

Reducing Outfit Anxiety

I do not recommend that you stay up, thinking of future events and attempting to put together appropriate outfits in your mind like I did between 2 and 4 in the morning recently. This sort of thing is better plotted out in the light of day, after a good night's sleep.

A friend of mine recently expressed her anxiety over joining an organization which holds many formal events throughout the year. She had not counted on the huge dent this could make in her clothing budget. I assured her that I had many nice outfits she could borrow and suggested she ask her other friends for loans as well. Consignment stores are also great places to find lovely formal wear for a fraction of what you would pay for new ones. 

This time of year means graduations, weddings, and summer parties. Think about the occasions you will need to get dressed up for, what you already have that will work (do some dry runs!), and then talk to friends before you panic and shop unwisely. You will sleep more peacefully afterward; I promise.

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