Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Organizing and More

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I popped into my friend Sara Caputo's Adult Education class to say a few words about closets and clothing. Sara (middle), of Radiant Organizing,  had spent the morning listening to her students' concerns and dilemmas, dispensing valuable advice, and sharing her organizing and time management skills and experiences. When I arrived, students were writing out their organizing goals, sharing them with a partner, and making an accountability plan with that partner. Sara is a terrific teacher!

Another colleague and friend, Diane Anthony of Peace of Space Organizing, then spoke about her own need for a professional organizer over the past year, and what a humbling and ultimately enriching experience that was.  She reminded all of us that we can all use some expert guidance in our lives, and that we are always learning.

I think the suggestion that resonated most with the group that day was to think about and then write out their image goals. From there, they could go through their closets, editing out or moving to storage garments that no longer represent who they are or who they want to be. I try to do this myself every couple of years. How about you?

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