Monday, January 9, 2012


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When I want to live up to my Wardrobe Wisdom motto to "dress my best, everyday," I think of what I will be doing and put on clothing that will be appropriate. I want to look put together, fashionable, comfortable, and professional. My friends have told me that they put more thought into what they are wearing when they know they are going to see me, which I think is a compliment.

A friend and I were at a restaurant recently when she spied a former boyfriend. She immediately checked her hair and put on a spot of lipstick before letting me pat him on the shoulder to say hi. Later she told me how glad she was to have "dressed her best" that day. She said maybe it's helpful to imagine running into an old flame before getting dressed, knowing you will want to look pretty darn great if an encounter occurs. If you are having a hard time summoning up the energy or motivation to dress well, think about seeing me, or someone from your past, before putting on your outfit. You will feel confident once you arm yourself in good-looking, great-fitting clothing.

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