Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Take Care of Your Stuff!

When I was walking down State Street in Santa Barbara last weekend, something stopped me in my tracks: a woman was carrying a pricey, new designer handbag by its handles, letting the longer strap drag on the ground next to her! I was tempted to do an intervention, or at the very least, lift up the poor strap and walk discreetly behind her, like a doting bridesmaid does for the bride with her train.

It is distressing to see people take poor care of their clothing and accessories. All that woman had to do was tuck the strap into her bag, or simply remove it for the day if she were planning on using the shorter handles. Taking care of your belongings is a sign of respect, for the item and for yourself. Few things say "I'm a slob and don't care about myself" more than wearing stained, holey clothing, shoes with obvious scuffs and tears, and broken jewelry or handbags. So at the risk of sounding like a nagging mother, I urge you to take care of your stuff!

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