Wednesday, February 24, 2016

An Artist to Admire

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Musical artist Florence Welch has so many admirable qualities: she's smart, has a gorgeous, powerful voice, is a spectacular performer, is smart, and seems very in touch with herself and her goals. Reading in Sunday's Los Angeles Times about Welch's thoughts on fashion made me admire her even more. I love what she had to say when asked about work clothing:
"When I’m working really hard on a project, like making an album, I can't get dressed. I have to  put on the most simple pair of leggings and a black T-shirt, because actually getting dressed up is a form of creative expression, it’s a form of using your imagination, and when I have to make a record I have no other thoughts left. ... If I need to get from [point] A  to [point] B without getting noticed I put on full sports gear. No one thinks it’s me at all because they can’t put those two things together. I can hide [that way] if I need to."

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