Saturday, June 6, 2015

On Shopping

Photo credit: Clueless

According to Stacy London, one must "try on a lot of clothes to sharpen her instincts and develop her own style." I understand that shopping takes time, but who does not have an hour a week to try on clothes? There's a reason it's called 'trying on' an outfit. You're just sampling it--no major commitment. You have to "expect to try, and try again. And it needs to be a concerted effort. Taking five pieces into the dressing room, hating them all, and walking out of the store doesn't count."

I have worked with so many Wardrobe Wisdom clients who detest shopping because they don't have the endurance it requires. I understand how frustrating and depressing it can be to find nothing you love after an afternoon of shopping. Still, if you don't put in some time to do it, you cannot expect to find styles and clothes you like. Once you discover your style and a good fit, shopping will no longer be an unpleasant chore.

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