Monday, June 8, 2015

Fantastic Dresses for Young and Teen Girls

I have spent a great deal of time lamenting the dearth of nice, modest, and cute dresses for young girls and teens. There are dozens of extremely short and revealing dresses which require complicated undergarments to wear. I am frustrated and angry with designers for making such sexualized clothing for young girls, and I am exasperated and appalled with adults buying these frocks. (Yes, I realize I sound like an uptight prude, especially after I used the word "frocks.")

So imagine my sheer joy upon entering Gazillion Dresses on State Street in Santa Barbara. My 14-year old daughter had been there before with my mom, and I was surprised to learn that they both loved this store since their tastes are very different. Now I understood why: the dresses were stylish, unique, fun, well-made, and were for young girls, not Victoria's Secret models!

I fervently hope that stores like this will be successful, so if you are looking for a dress for a daughter, niece, friend, cousin. . . please check out Gazillion Dresses. And let me know what you think!

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