Monday, April 28, 2014

What to Wear on Vacation

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My family is taking a month-long trip this summer which means I have been mentally packing a suitcase for some time. As I have stated previously on my blog, I tend to be a light packer, and I never bring my favorite things or new clothes. This time around, I am 99% mentally packed, but when I picture myself during the trip, what I see does not please me.

For starters, a big chunk of our vacation will be spent on bikes. Since I am vain, I do not want to cruise around the picturesque towns en route in Lycra biking shorts. I do have some (not-so-fetching) padded underwear, and imagine I will wear them with my Bermuda shorts or a knit dress. So far, not so bad.

It's the shoes that are distressing me. The beaches we will visit are pebbly, and we've been advised to wear "swim shoes." Since I need to go light on shoe packing, I am taking my friend up on her offer to borrow her water and hiking friendly Teva sandals. They might as well be Crocs, for how much I loath their appearance. My teen daughters are refusing to wear such sandals; they will sport the flip flops pictured above at the beach, and plan to bike in their Converse sneakers.

When I think of myself on a bike in Croatia, I am wearing a gray knit dress, Tevas, and a bike helmet. Ugh. No one will know me as Lori of Wardrobe Wisdom, but I cannot help thinking I will feel extremely unattractive. And please don't try to tell me there are good-looking Tevas out there; I have searched tirelessly for such shoes.

In the end, I plan to evolve into feeling grateful for the opportunity to travel, realize that most people couldn't care less about my attire, and know that comfort trumps looking chic in this instance. Yes, I need to get over myself! And I think I need to wear some pretty jewelry and lipstick, too!

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