Friday, February 25, 2011

The Value of a Dry Run

I was getting ready for an event the other night, and found I had not followed one of my own Wardrobe Wisdom guidelines: doing a dry run. Sure, I had a clear idea of what I would wear, but I had not yet tried on my outfit, and when I did put the various pieces together the ensemble did not work.

How hard can this be, I thought? I simply need a black top to go under this tuxedo jacket. At least 8 black tops seemed like they would be great candidates. But no. One had a too high neck--how would I model Rachel Kett's beautiful necklaces? Another had a subtle pattern that, nontheless, clashed with the leopord print of the jacket's lining. Another was too faded. . .

Jeez! My youngest daughter watched me in awe. I am sure it seemed absurd to her that I could not find one top that looked great with the outfit, and, moreover, that I was getting dressed in a panic. I, of all people, should know better.

So, remember the value of trying on an outfit, every component, in advance of an event. It will save you time, stress, and frustration!

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