Monday, August 10, 2015

Super Cool Sandals

Photo credit:

Yes,  I did go downtown for a bit of Fiesta this week though I don't like crowds. The silver lining was purchasing these sandals by Global Girls. I'd been coveting them for years, but their relatively high price tag kept me from getting them. But in the spirit of Fiesta (I know that's a weak excuse), I finally caved in. They are gorgeous, handmade sandals and support a very worthy cause (see Global Girls goals below).

Our Goals
Establish a co-op within an underserved community in which we train impoverished women to develop handicraft skills so that they may produce goods marketable goods and gain an economic livelihood.

·         Artisan Identification
Identify talented artisans who demonstrate need and commitment to work.

·         Training and Design Assistance
Provide training in handicraft skills to artisans to achieve the quality of workmanship that Global Girls requires.

·         Market Connection
Promote the artisans handicrafts in the US and international markets.

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