Sunday, November 15, 2009

To Slip or Not to Slip

I was at a department store recently, trying on a form fitting knit dress. Viewing myself in the 3-way mirror revealed my need for a slip. So I asked the young salesgirl if she could fetch me one from the adjacent lingerie department. She looked at me as if I'd asked her to get me a hot dog. I repeated my request, but she still seemed perplexed. Taking matters into my own hands, I walked over to the lingerie department, asked a knowledgeable salesperson where the slips were located, found an appropriate one, put it on, and then asked salesperson #1 if she noticed a difference. She replied, "Yeah, you don't look so bumpy." Nice.

Today I read a post which thoroughly covers the ins and outs of slip wearing. Thank you, Diana!

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