Thursday, November 12, 2009


Being well-groomed means you are taking care of yourself. You do not need to wear the latest, most expensive clothing to be well-groomed. Instead, you simply need to pay attention to the small details, such as keeping your nails trimmed and neat looking (no chipped polish!). Other signs of a well-groomed person are healthy-looking hair in a nicely maintained style, clothing that fits and does not have loose, dangling threads, holes (unless they are meant to be there, such as those in hip jeans this season), pilling, or yellow underarm stains.

To me, Gwen Stefani epitomizes a well-groomed woman. Her hair is always flawlessly colored and styled, her makeup is neat, her clothing, though oftentimes wild and cutting-edge, suits her figure perfectly. She never looks sloppy or thrown together. She looks confident and appears to love clothes and getting dressed up. When Gwen is photographed on casual days with her family, you can see that she has still taken the time to put herself together.

As I said before, being well-groomed shows you care about and respect yourself. So take some time to attend to those little details, like Gwen does!

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