Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Great Tim Gunn

Oh, I love Tim Gunn. He is so dapper, so smart, so articulate, and gracious. He was interviewed by Patt Morrison in the Op-Ed section of the LA Times this past Sunday. Here are some highlights:

"I don't care what you [fashion designers] design as long as your client can get into a taxi. t That eliminates a lot of the ridiculousness and float-in-a-parade [designs]."

"I cannot wrap my brain around the ubiquity of Crocs. They're horrible! If we all succumbed to the comfort trap, to dress as if we never got out of bed--then we should never get out of bed."

He received this comment about Project Runway from the mother of a 9-year old: "The show teaches young people how important qualities of character are: It teaches you hard work pays off, that cheaters never prosper, that it's better to play nicely with others than to be a diva."

Gunn is humble and thoughtful throughout the interview. His book, "A Guide to Quality, Taste, & Style" is hugely instructive.

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