It seems new services for styling and shopping are popping up all the time. I am going to describe just three here: Stitch Fix, Trunk Club, and the one I most recently heard about, Lyon and Post. Full disclosure: I have not personally used any of these services.
Stitch Fix: This is one of the first services of its kind that I became aware of. Subscribers fill out a questionnaire about their style and taste, and a box of clothes (hopefully) matching the women's wish list appears when she schedules it. Subscribers only pay for the price of clothing they keep, along with a $20 styling fee each time which can be used toward purchasing clothing. Stitch Fix encourages you to: "Try on and discover styles hand-picked to fit you, your budget and your style."
Two of my friends have used this service. They liked being introduced to new brands and found a couple of items they liked in each box. Their complaints were that they did not always have the same stylist and, possibly because of this, they found the items overall did not suit them; they also said it took from 2-3 weeks to receive their Stitch Fix box.
Trunk Club: This service was originally offered for men, but is for women now as well. My friend Will tried it and loved the clothes he was sent right off the bat. Two of my female co-workers also recently tried Trunk Club. One liked most every item she was sent but found the price point to beyond her budget. My other co-worker complained about the clothing not really being "her" but appreciated the consistency of having the same stylist each time. She felt the stylist's grasp on her style grew with each trunk. Trunk Club's encourages users to: "Take 10 days to try everything on, and then keep what you like and send the rest back. Shipping is free both ways, and you can request a new trunk any time you'd like." My criticism of Trunk Club is that its inventory is limited to Nordstrom's inventory, since it is operated by this store.
Lyon + Post: This service appeals to those who want clothing that is "curated by industry insiders.
Our fashion director has spent her career hand-selecting pieces for A-list celebs. Now she's doing it exclusively for you." It takes some patience to crack the site, and I do not know anyone who has used this service yet. Somehow, I think this will be a pricey option!
Each of these services is designed for people who want new clothes but don't want to shop. Remember that some stores, such as Nordstrom, have stylists on site. You are not charged for their service and are under no obligation to make purchases. You should also feel free to ask salespeople to keep an eye out for clothes that suit you. They will happily contact you when these items come in. Some will also gladly help you put together outfits. I did this all the time when I worked in boutiques. It was my favorite aspect of the job!
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