Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Crush on Kai

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I've mentioned before that I have a crush on Marketplace's Kai Ryssdal (above, left). Imagine the thrill I got when I sat next to him for dinner once!

Anyway, his take on fashion and trends always amuses me. I liked listening to his interview with renown perfume nose Rodrigo Flores-Roux (above, right).  Learning what Ryssdal's colleagues thought of his new cologne was entertaining and I wish that I had been there to offer my opinion.

Flores-Roux's approach to wearing a scent is bold: "when he [Flores-Roux) goes out, he’ll 'empty the bottle.' Spritzing a perfume cloud and walking through it? He does not approve.
'That’s nonsense, and that’s a waste of money. I want people to wear perfume and to own it and to express themselves with perfume. Putting it in the air is a waste of money. You might as well not wear it,' he explains."

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