Monday, August 17, 2015


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I've written before about capsule wardrobes, and use this way of organizing my wardrobe when I am packing for trips. (Some great examples of capsule wardrobes are at I have not incorporated the capsule method into my everyday wardrobe though, and I sometimes wonder why. A friend sent me this terrific post from Dallas Moms Blog,  which explains the writer's style evolution and how a capsule wardrobe changed her life. The writer links to another blog, Unfancy, where the following advice resonated strongly with me:

When things aren’t adding up, start subtracting. So often, when I’m faced with a problem, my first reaction is to think I need to add something to my life to solve it. Like, if I’m disorganized, I should buy more storage containers. Or, if I’m feeling stressed, I should go shop for a new dress to make myself feel better. When the answer to both of those problems could be to subtract something from my life.

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