Friday, April 17, 2015

A Reluctant Share

Image credit: Fillmore & 5th

When people are unwilling to share their recipes I get annoyed. What do they think I am going to do? Steal the recipe and make a profit from it? Will their aunt or grandma or great uncle disinherit them if they share the recipe? Sheesh. It burns me up.

At the same time, I can be reluctant sometimes to share recent shopping finds, thinking selfishly that there will be less things for me if the place gets popular. But since the spirit of Wardrobe Wisdom is to be helpful, I have another tip to share.

Last weekend I discovered a FANTASTIC, A+, EXTRAORDINARY consignment store in Westlake Village. It is called Fillmore & 5th and has shops in other cities as well. The merchandise was very well organized, clean, and of the highest quality. The prices were fair,  the dressing rooms were roomy and well lit, and staff was helpful without being  pushy. I left with a dress, a skirt, and a top, all at a fraction of their original prices. I may have to go there every month!

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