Monday, February 9, 2015

A Small Window of Time

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I try to give myself small windows of time during the day to get little chores and errands done. Thus,  I enjoyed reading an article about small chores that could be done while getting ready for the day. Since this tends to be the time when most of us do not have a minute to spare, I made a list of things I could accomplish in my dressing area when a small window did open. Here is my list:

1. Cut and file toenails.

2. Sharpen eye and lip pencils.

3. Comb pills off of sweaters.

4. Pluck eyebrows (I find most advantageous time for this chore is when I am in the car; the light is always just right. But my daughters frown upon this practice for some reason. I still keep tweezers in my car!

5. Cut dangling threads off clothing and scarves.

6. Fold tops and place them nicely on shelves.

7. Clean my makeup brushes. Go here for how to do this.

The other night I was waiting for my older daughter to get ready and found myself with a few minutes to kill. I filled the time by sharpening my eye and lip pencils, a task that had needed doing for awhile. The next time I put on makeup, I was so pleased that the pencils were sharp.

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