Thursday, April 11, 2013

Shopping Preparedness

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Before you hit the stores, make sure you have your updated shopping list and whatever you may need to try on clothes. This can include the shoes you are planning to wear with the pants, skirt, or dress you are looking for. How about undergarments? If you are looking for a special occasion outfit, bring along any Spanx or convertible bras or panties to wear with them. If you are looking for something to coordinate with a top or bottom part of an outfit, bring the part you have with you to make sure it will look great with the other half.  Snacks and water will keep you going while you shop since going from store to store can be exhausting. Do bring a friend who understands your budget and your taste, gives you honest and helpful feedback, and has a great sense of humor. Do not bring a friend who tires or bores easily, does not like to shop, or whose taste you do not understand or like.

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