Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sweat Suit Alternatives

Credit: Bodenusa.com

I cannot get enough of Tim Gunn and his wardrobe wisdom. Reading The Fashion Bible was an educational experience, and I have been going over the notes I took while I read.

Clients and friends often ask me what they can wear instead of sweat suits on casual, errand running days. I like Gunn's definition of grocery shopping as a "public activity." Isn't this really what most of our activities are? He asks, "If you are not moved by respect and enthusiasm for your fellow humans, imagine running into someone you want to impress. Won't you feel better in that scenario if you aren't completely rumpled?"

He understands that women want to be comfortable and insists this does not have to mean wearing pajamas or sweat suits all day. Instead, he suggests a "soft dress. . . [which] is one piece instead of two, and all you have to do is throw it over your head rather than step into legs." Gunn also suggests items with some stretch, such as a knit top or T-shirt (that fits well!), and jeans. Having a cardigan or jacket handy pulls your outfit together and allows for a change in weather.

Like, Gunn, I find it depressing to see women (and men) dressed sloppily. I support his desire for people to "invest in comfortable, attractive, all-American sportswear, and leave the sports-wear to the world of sports."

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