1. Do not bring a bouquet of flowers. When a hostess is handed a bouquet, she must leave her party in search of a vase, cut the stems, fill up the vase. . . Kelly suggests instead to send a pretty bouquet that day, already in its own vessel. Or better yet, send flowers the next day, along with a thank you note for the party.
2. Do bring a dish of something to eat if the hostess has asked you to. Otherwise, your dish may clash with her carefully thought out menu. A lovely hostess gift is a nice box of chocolates. Give the box to the hostess, telling her to enjoy the chocolates later.
3. Do not bring a decorative item unless it is an elegant holiday one that the hostess can use another time. On The Chew, the guest brought a great soup tureen in the shape of a pumpkin.
4. Do bring a bottle of wine but don't expect it to be drunk that evening. She has already chosen wine for her party so let her know the bottle is to enjoy at a later time.
I blush at the memories of bringing my host a big bouquet of flowers and hope to attend a lot of parties this season to make up for my many faut pas.
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