Thursday, September 15, 2011

Now THAT is a System

Every fall and spring I change out my wardrobe. Clothing gets carefully cleaned and folded, then put away in breathable canvas bags containing cedar blocks. It is always thrilling to become reacquainted with my pieces when I take them out of storage. I am fortunate to have a large closet with a lot of space up high where I can store my things. My girls' rooms also have space for me to store some some of my things though they are not always happy with this encroachment.

People often ask me about my husband's closet, assuming that I am a total space hog. I must come clean, so above is a photo of his closet. Let me add that he also has a large wardrobe in which to store his folded items! He also has a lot more dress shirts than are shown here. And he does not complain about this seemingly unfair allocation of space. Of the two of us, he has way more stuff stored in our house.

What is my point? That we use whatever space we have. Women who lug around huge purses know this, as do people who make due with very little space. I was floored by an article I read recently about one woman's clothing storage system that she has turned into a business. It is called Vault Couture and is universes away from the kind of work I do in my own and other's closets. WOW!

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