There are several websites that offer color consulting services, and I always take their tests to see if their analysis matches what I know (I am a winter which means I look best in cool, blue-undertone colors). A new site, jillkirshcolor.com, intrigues me and I encourage you to try it out. Her method for color analysis relies exclusively on hair color. The site I find to be the most accurate in determining what colors suit different people is Color Me Beautiful as it takes both eye and hair color into consideration.
Most people know what colors they feel best in and what colors flatter them. But it gets hard to stay on track when designers choose new hip colors twice a year and then inundate the stores with those shades. Of course there are women who don't give a hoot about what colors work for them, and wear whatever color suits their mood or matches a piece of clothing they love. While I do notice (I can't help it) that they would look better in teal than bright red, they look happy and confident, and in no need of a Wardrobe Wisdom intervention!
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