Thursday, October 29, 2009

What I've Learned

Upon entering my fourth year with Wardrobe Wisdom, I am reflecting upon the dozens of clients I've worked with. Each has been unique, but I have noticed some patterns.

In general, those with the least amount of clothes tend to be the least stressed about what to wear everyday. Conversely, the overloaded closets I've seen overwhelm people. My job is to help clients with those kinds of closets to learn what they really need and what suits their lifestyle. Gently urging them to part with certain items is another thing I do with them.

Working with men has exposed the myth that women are hoarders. The men I've worked with are very sentimental about and attached to their clothing. Still, once we looked at their beloved items (and they shared stories about them), they were fairly willing to give a lot of them up.

I can think of only two clients who have a healthy appreciation of their bodies and their shapes. The rest have been quick to point out perceived flaws. This is dismaying but not surprising, given our society which tells us that beauty means young, wrinkle-free, and skinny. On the bright side, nearly every client has been happy to learn ways to play up body parts she has liked while downplaying other parts. Not one man had a critical thing to say about his physique. Interesting.

A large number of my Santa Barbara Wardrobe Wisdom clients do not like to shop. However, this does not mean that they don't like clothing or looking good. Instead, I learned they had spent years frustrated by what they found in stores, and their spirits quickly fell when on a shopping excursion. It has felt great to point them in the right direction in terms of where to shop for great clothing and service in town or online. I've also enjoyed shopping for some of these clients; seeing their looks of joy when I brought them clothing that fit and flattered them is among my favorite aspects of my job.

As people began to be more careful with their money this past year, I believe they have become smarter about their clothing choices. A lot are bringing out the basics in their closets and call me to learn how to update them. This is always great fun, and makes me look forward to more years of Wardrobe Wisdom.

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