Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Sucker

How did it happen? How did I let an unbelievably pushy vendor at Paseo Nuevo talk me into parting with $50? Did my powerful hunger place me in a weakened state? Am I so vain that I responded to his incessant "You are beautiful!" exclamations? What happened?

On any given day, I dismiss offers to massage my hands, spritz my face with perfume, curl my hair, etc. with a quick and firm, "No thanks," while walking briskly away. Yesterday was an entirely different matter.

While my daughters looked on in speechless amazement, I let Mr. Pushy talk, talk, talk, and ended up buying some face cream I did not really need. When we finally walked away, my eldest stated, "You know, Mom, he probably calls every lady 'beautiful.'" So true!

What Wardrobe Wisdom could I glean from this unpleasant experience? I gained some insight into how my clients get talked into clothing that does not fit or flatter them. Regularly I hear, "Oh, this saleswoman told me I looked great, so I bought it." or "The saleswoman kept telling me how good the color looked on me, so I got the dress and the blouse." My clients regret paying money for things they realize don't suit them, and resent being lied to by sales staff. The Mr. and Miss Pushies out there prey upon any hesitation shown by a shopper and overwhelm him or her with compliments to close the sale. This is shameless and unethical.

What we as consumers can do, whether someone is hawking clothing or face cream, is think about our taste, style, budget and know what we do and do not need at any given time. Such knowledge increases our confidence and serves us well when the vultures appear. Oh, we should also always remember to eat before we shop. Always!

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